Who are we?

The Security Association of South Africa (SASA) is registered as an employer’s organisation in terms of the Labour Relations Act, reference LR 2/6/3/831 A world class professional body delivering exceptional value through the excellence of its members.

The Security Association of South Africa (SASA) was established in 1964 to create a platform that would be representative of the best interests of its members, an advocate for the industry and a custodian of professional business practice. It also provides all SASA members with an opportunity to meet, network, exchange ideas and business opportunities.

The private security industry in South Africa is largely recognised as one of the fastest growing in the private sector, providing a vital crime prevention service, and contributing significantly to new business investment and job creation.

However, the unprecedented growth of the industry has not been without its challenges, including: ongoing legislative changes, wage negotiations, and most concerning – an alarming increase in non-compliant industry players.

In an effort to tackle these challenges, the Security Association of South Africa (SASA) amalgamated with the Security Services Employers Organisation (SSEO) in 2013.

The objective of this merger was to create a stronger, larger and more relevant industry body that would continue to benefit not only the security industry as a whole, but also the consumers of security products and services and individuals with a vested interest in professional security services.

Today SASA ensures that its industry representatives and businesses are professional institutions that are compliant and abide by those laws that govern the industry. SASA is a world-class professional body delivering exceptional value through the excellence of its members.

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