Membership Benefits

The Security Association of South Africa (SASA) is nationally recognised by the Government, South African Police Service and all Municipalities as having members with a proven track record within the industry and a Code of Ethics, by which members must abide.

Other key benefits of SASA Membership include:

  • Discounted rates on training courses related to the security sector.
  • Liability insurance at highly competitive rates.
  • Branch seminars and events at reduced rates.
  • Industry representation at major local and international industry exhibitions.
  • Personal contact and networking opportunities with other security practitioners.
  • Access to a comprehensive security library managed by UNISA.
  •  COID assistance at reduced rates
  • Change to: Representation at CCMA and assistance with labour related matters at reduced rates, through independent “officials” of SASA
  • Liaison with government bodies to ensure members are kept informed of all proposed legislation and relevant statutes pertaining to the industry.
  • Liaison with related bodies in South Africa and overseas affiliated associations ensure continuity of knowledge on the latest developments on security.
  • PR, Media and Marketing opportunities.
  • Full access to the SASA National Website.
  • Access to a central administration office which provides personal contact with all members where you are a name and not a number.
  • Representation at a local and national government level through a recognised body.

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